Lightning Talks: How to Explain AWS to Non-Technical People / AI Assisted Data Engineering on the AWS Platform / LinkedIn profile and strategies for earning the Top Voice award

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Track 3 – 2024
Presenter 1:Justin Wheeler
Presenter 2:Shirish Joshi
Presenter 3:Vivekanandhan Muthulingam

Abstract 1: Struggling to explain your exciting world of AWS to friends and family? This talk tries to eliminate the communication gap between technical audiences and their loved ones. We'll explore practical analogies to make cloud computing concepts clear and relatable; even to those without a technical background.

Beyond simply understanding your day-to-day work, this talk empowers you to foster positive connections that extend past the tech industry. Dismantle the myth of tech exclusivity – anyone can grasp the power of the cloud with the right approach.

This session is perfect for any AWS enthusiasts who would like to:
* Communicate the value of AWS in an engaging way
* Bridge the tech talk gap with loved ones
* Promote a more inclusive image of the tech industry

Join us and unlock the power of clear communication with the magic of AWS analogies!

Abstract 2: "Introducing AI Assisted Data Engineering AWS Data Ecosystem - overview Areas in Data Engineering where AI assistance would be useful
* Data Platform Modernization
* Test data generation
* Review checklists
* Data lineage
* Data quality checks
* Glue catalog queries
* Automating tedious tasks
* Improve our understanding of code
What new skills do data engineers need?

LLMs have been a nice, if somewhat indispensable tool to the arsenal of developers. This talk focuses on data engineering tasks that can be accomplished using AI assistants. For these examples and demos, I will use Claude AI from Anthrophic.

Especially powerful is using the right libraries and using code produced by LLMs to supercharge use of the libraries. This helps accelerate data engineering activities.

Can LLMs be a true assistant? Can they illustrate the right way to use libraries? Can they create the basic programs that we can then improve? Can they automate tasks like reviews? Further, what do we need to know to harness their power? What new skills do we need to acquire?

Abstract 3: LinkedIn profile and strategies for earning the Top Voice award

AWS Services: AWS Bedrock, AWS RedShift, AWS Glue, AWS Athena

Audience: Beginner

angelo angelo

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