Exploring Amazon Security Lake for Real Risk Quantification and Prioritization Across Your AWS Environment!!

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Event Timeslots (1)

Track 1 – 2024
Presenter: Dakota Riley

Abstract: Modern cloud security requires tangling with a variety of data sources, from cloud misconfiguration findings, vulnerabilities, threat detection findings, and other types of tooling! Each of these tools tend to provide a piece of your organizations security posture, but often need context from other tools or environments to give the full picture of actual risks. In this talk, we will cover:
The general concept of a Security Data Lake, and what kind of questions can we answer with it
The landscape of security tools both within AWS and typical enterprise cloud environments
Industry challenges with security data, tied in with AWS Security Tooling
An overview of the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF), the open source security data schema utilized by Amazon Security Lake
A quick overview of the workings of Amazon Security Lake
Applying Amazon Security Lake to risk quantification usecases with real world customizations and examples!

AWS Services: Amazon Security Lake, Athena, Inspector, GuardDuty, SecurityHub

Audience: Advanced

angelo angelo

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